Introducing Peanuts to Infants

Baz Team

January 6, 2017


Peanut allergies are a growing problem in the US among today’s children. However, according to the National Institute of health, exposing infants to peanuts early on may prevent the allergy.

The new guidelines suggests adding peanut-containing foods to an infants diet as soon as 4 months to reduce the risk of peanut allergies. However, some doctors may choose to test infants before exposure to determine risk. In this case they may perform a blood test or skin prick test.

The changes to these guidelines can about after a 600 patient study with infants. The study found that 81% of infants exposed to peanuts early on did not develop an allergy to peanuts.

To read more, click here.

This entry was posted in Uncategorized on January 6, 2017 by Baz Team.

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